Tamara S. Williams
So I was the girl who fell in love with God, embraced her singleness, and met her knight in shining armor. The most challenging part of my marriage experience was transitioning from singleness into marriage because I lived most of my twenties on my own and lived life to the fullest. As I walked through my newlywed years God birthed a passion to mentor women who were in their first years of marriage, and in the process of becoming one, as well as those women who are desiring marriage; God’s ladies in waiting. The passion was birthed because I realized those were the developing years when I really needed help in the beginning of my marriage. The Wife Saver, Kristina Davis, threw out her life preserver to me as a newlywed, and without a doubt helped walk me through rough patches. Her wisdom and voice to me in that season is a big reason why I was so elated to become one of the Wife Savers with the Wife Coach Kristina Davis.
After making it through year seven of marriage, “The Newlywed Nook” blog was birthed in an effort to encourage others in years one through seven of marriage. It is designed to be the voice for the newlywed chronicles we all experience, and to impart wisdom on becoming one. I have now been married for 8 years, and have mentored many young women through their dating process, engagement, and into their first years of marriage. My desire is to, through mentorship and writings, encourage, counsel, and bring out the funny side of the forming process as a newlywed. I believe that God is raising up women who will implement the Titus 2:4 scripture, urging the younger women to love their husbands and children. I have successfully mentored women on how to love God during their singleness, courtship, and being found by their man of God. I hope to help the “New Mrs.” understand the process of joining in holy matrimony.
My first book for newlyweds is in the process of being edited, and I believe that everything I have learned in the beginning years, will be poured into this book release. I am married to Raymon Williams, who serves as a minister and one of the worship leaders at Greater Shiloh Church. I am also the mommy of two dynamic little girls who teach me, every day, how to be a better woman. I possess the gift to speak enthusiastically with my bubbly personality and down to earth style, and have served in many areas in the worship & arts department, as well as youth ministry throughout my years of serving the body of Christ.
Blog :www.thenewlywednook.wordpress.com
The newlywed nook creator has become a partner with the wife saver and desires to encourage those married under seven years, engaged, and those thinking about marriage. This blog was launched in August 2015 with hopes of being a page that provides funny and relatable stories, inspiration, and practical biblical encouragement. This blog will be a balm on your heart as you navigate through your “new” years, and will give you some tools to help you transform from your marriage cocoon into a beautiful soaring butterfly. I hope you enjoy the entries on the newlywed nook, whether you’re a newlywed or not, and you can share some the things you wish you knew when you were becoming one. This newlywed nation is not afraid of becoming the wives God intends for us to be by listening to wise women, helping one another, and implementing Godly principals to properly lay the foundation to our beginning years of marriage.