Kristina Davis, Founder
She is a woman who loves God with all her heart. She is a wife of 22 years. She is a mother. She is a servant of the Most High God. She is a mentor and a counselor. She is friend. She is Kristina Davis a woman who has dedicated her life to impacting the lives of others. One of her life mantras is the scripture, “silver and gold I do not have; but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” From Acts 3:6. The Wife Saver is just another way she can give to others from her experience and her personal mentoring from those more experienced wives who have paved the way of successful marriage. She is most fulfilled when God is most glorified. Whether she is posting encouraging quotes, speaking to a group of women, writing a relevant information filled blog, making a quick video to intentionally speak life into the lives of wives everywhere is the least she can do to thank God for the gift of Phillip Davis he has given to her. She has made her ‘wife life’ an assignment she enjoys not endures and wants to help other wives reach the peak of delight in their marriages. For her The Wife Saver is not a hobby, it’s a calling from God.
Along with The Wife Saver her husband Phillip and herself have been married 22 years are the parents of 1biological child and 2 adopted children. They also lead and serve the Greater Shiloh Church a non-denominational, multi-campus house of worship.